Blue RocksLunenburg DoorwayRiding toward ShelburneOn Tancook IslandChester, Nova Scotia

What's on the disc:

      Biking Nova Scotia appears as an Acrobat (pdf) file. It is 202 pages long and includes over 50 maps and 150 color photographs. Links to and from the Table of Contents allow easy navigation. Pages are 8 1/2" x 11" so they can be printed on an ordinary home printer. A second Acrobat file contains the text and maps, but color photos have been removed; this file enables you to print economically just the directions and maps you need to carry on your bike for a particular ride — or maps and cue sheets alone.

      The disc also contains Adobe Acrobat® for Windows®. Acrobat is needed for viewing and printing pdf files on PCs. Mac owners can view and print the files with Preview or with Acrobat for Mac.


Click to view sample pages:

Introduction to Biking the Maritimes (same on all discs) 4.3 MB

Nova Scotia Table of Contents and List of Maps 0.5 MB

List of Rides and Welcome to Nova Scotia
0.4 MB

Sample Route Description
1.5 MB

(Note: Some versions of Windows Explorer can be configured to block .pdf files. If the files are blocked, an information bar will appear beneath the menus near the top of the screen. Click on it and choose "allow blocked content" in order to view the files.)

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© 2007, Wallace and Barbara Smith